Offering Safe, Effective, Long-Lasting Water Line Repair Solutions in Houston, TX and the Surrounding Areas

Waterline Repair

Your main water line, which connects your home to the municipal water supply, is one of the most important parts of your piping system. You rely on it every day to provide the safe, clean water your family needs for drinking, bathing, and other household tasks. Therefore, it can be especially inconvenient when your main water line starts leaking or corroding. If something doesn't seem quite right with the water in your home, don't wait-call Cats Plumbing Services, LLC today to schedule expert water line repairs. We've been providing safe, effective, long-lasting repair solutions for main water lines and refrigerator water lines in Houston, TX homes for over 15 years. We'll communicate openly and honestly with you about the condition of your system, and determine whether repairing or replacing your water line is the best course of action. Get in touch with us at the first sign of damage to your main water line, and we'll be there in no time.

Signs Your Main Water Line Needs Repair

Most main water lines are extremely durable and built to last. However, like most underground structures, they can still succumb to damage from things like rocks, tree roots, and corrosion. Keep an eye out for these telltale signs that you need water line repairs:

  • Rusty or brown-tinted water
  • Soggy spots on your lawn
  • Low water pressure
  • Higher-than-normal water bills